PART VI - An Introduction To Grocery Couponing.

Put to use a coupon group that is a right fit for you. Every coupon will have your name on it. A huge part in using a grocery coupon is having a system in place so that you can have accessibility to them.
ongoing goal is to keep your coupon file organized and ready for use. I like the
binder method below for my main once a month monthly shopping, and a backup
coupon box for anytime odds and ends grocery shopping trips.
I maintain
both files and tailor them to my specific needs. I have vegan household, and
pull together my coupon group that help me meet those vegan needs. I can normally save
50% to 70% off, and I'm happy with that.
savings realized will depend upon the work and time you are willing to put in.
Your knowledge base too will play a huge part in how much you save. Also, if
the ends justifies the means take time out and learn more.
Your first step in my opinion is to start with a little grocery couponing vocabulary. You can start out with these 13, and add on when you are ready.
Just stick your toe in first. You don't have to get overwhelmed, frustrated, and then possibly losing interest. Just your toe in for right now will be fine.
01. BOGO, BIGI - Basically it's Buy One Get One Free.
Couponing 101: Step In How To Start Couponing.

Your first step in my opinion is to start with a little grocery couponing vocabulary. You can start out with these 13, and add on when you are ready.
Just stick your toe in first. You don't have to get overwhelmed, frustrated, and then possibly losing interest. Just your toe in for right now will be fine.
01. BOGO, BIGI - Basically it's Buy One Get One Free.
02. Catalina or Cat - This coupon come out of the Cat machine located by the register, and often left behind, or thrown out by the cashier. This can be an awesome coupon group.
Ask the cashier, or store manager where your Cat machine is located at time of checkout.
Ask the cashier, or store manager where your Cat machine is located at time of checkout.
03. A Store Coupon - A store coupon is a coupon only to be used at their store. Manufacturer coupon is a coupon created by the manufacturer, or creator of the product to be used wherever the product is stocked, and accepted unless otherwise indicated.
A manufacturer coupon normally are not limited, and can be used at any store.
A manufacturer coupon normally are not limited, and can be used at any store.
04. DND - Listed on a manufacturer's coupon to inform the store Do Not Double, even if store policy.
05. Printed Coupon - A coupon printed off the Internet.
06. Stock Coupon - Is stacking more than one coupon or coupon code to purchase a product, which can reduce the price, sometimes to zero. Normally you can stack a store coupon with a manufacturer's coupon.
07. $1/1, $1/2 - Take $1 off when purchased one, or take $1 with the purchase of two.
08. Product Matching - A retailer will match a competitor's price for a like item if you show some proof, for example a flyer etc.
09. Peellies - A coupon you peel of a product packaging that can be use on that particular buy. You peel them off yourself, and do not rely on the cashier.
10. Blinkies - A coupon dispensing machine with blinking light.
11. Tear Pod - A coupon found on the shelf in a stack near a particular product that you tear off.
12. EXT - Excludes trial size.
13. Matchup - Matching sales ads with a manufacturer or a store coupon to maximize savings.
12. EXT - Excludes trial size.
13. Matchup - Matching sales ads with a manufacturer or a store coupon to maximize savings.
"No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively, have to find people who have already paid the price to learn to achieve our goals." Brian Tracey

I know a lot of folks don't like to grocery coupon, and sometimes I don't, and I don't. I still, however, feel that knowing something about grocery couponing is a plus. Someone that I casually know was introduced to grocery couponing by me some years ago.
I would just teach her a few couponing tips whenever I saw her in the grocery store. A co-worker taught me how to grocery coupon on our breaks many years ago. So, I was in essence paying it forward.
I would just teach her a few couponing tips whenever I saw her in the grocery store. A co-worker taught me how to grocery coupon on our breaks many years ago. So, I was in essence paying it forward.
By chance I ran into her at the
beginning of this year, and she was so elated to see me. She told me that her
husband been laid off, but working again and now doing great.
We chatted about a lot of things, however one thing that was a surprise to me, was that she told me she probably would have lost her home if she didn't know how to grocery coupon.
She said that her #1 priority was to put food on the table for a family of 7, and grocery couponing made it possible. I am a firm believer that what is learned is never wasted.
We chatted about a lot of things, however one thing that was a surprise to me, was that she told me she probably would have lost her home if she didn't know how to grocery coupon.
She said that her #1 priority was to put food on the table for a family of 7, and grocery couponing made it possible. I am a firm believer that what is learned is never wasted.
Don't Buy Into Every Buzzword
There are a few things to know that helps you stretch those food budget dollars. For example, you will see advertised hormone-free eggs. The use of hormones in poultry, as far as I know has been banned since the 1960's. Another example could be eggs labeled free range.
The free range sometimes, but will not necessarily always be what you may be thinking. The free range could be a concrete slab. For better assurance look for certified humane. Why all the hoopla? Because a label is a huge determinant in the cost of a product. Another common one is 50% off. It's important to note what you are getting 50% off of.
A biggy for me is that chasing loss leaders can actually cost versus save you money. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean that you will reap the sales price. Loss leaders when gas was cheaper, was well worth chasing. Loss leaders are advertised items, sold at a loss, or next to no profit to the store. You see them first thing generally on the front page of your supermarket advertisement.
They are used as a marketing tool to get you in the door, in hopes that you will purchase other items too. It can be tempting to chase all of these great loss-leader bargains as they pop up, however with the cost of gas in today's world the money you save may not make sense.
A better idea, in my opinion, is to simply stack pile the weekly sales ads in your vehicle, and if by chance you happen to be passing by, stop in and grab a loss leader or two.
Since manufacturers may limit the total number, or quantity a coupon can be downloaded, don't tarry. Some stores will not accept a coupon that has been printed online because of counterfeit concerns. There are specific e-Coupon sites such as U-promise, but some grocery store websites, such as Kroger in my area, have their own electronic coupon.
A better idea, in my opinion, is to simply stack pile the weekly sales ads in your vehicle, and if by chance you happen to be passing by, stop in and grab a loss leader or two.
The e-Coupon - A New Kid On The Block
The world of couponing is constantly changing and taking full advantage of new technological advancements. There is now what is called an electronic coupon or e-Coupon. An electronic coupon is not a paper coupon that you cut out or print. Instead, its value is added to your store loyalty card.Since manufacturers may limit the total number, or quantity a coupon can be downloaded, don't tarry. Some stores will not accept a coupon that has been printed online because of counterfeit concerns. There are specific e-Coupon sites such as U-promise, but some grocery store websites, such as Kroger in my area, have their own electronic coupon.
Once you register and setup an account with your favorite store, you can login and view a selection of fantastic coupon offers. Then you simply select or click on the ones you like and they will be added to your store loyalty card. When you buy those items and swipe your store loyalty card, the discount or e-coupon is automatically applied.
I also want to mention that whether it's an e-Coupon or a paper coupon, they do have an expiration date.
Remember, your coupon must come directly from the printer, it is illegal to photocopy them. Some people are a little concerned, but I have never had an issue. I do a lot of coupon printing, so it is important to me to get a good price for my ink and toner.
When e-couponing you can reap awesome benefits along with some new responsibilities. One responsibility, first and foremost, is protecting your computer with a good antivirus program.
Another responsibility, in my opinion, is to keep your cost of ink and paper down as much as possible. I think using a laser printer for this application set to print in black ink is very economical. Color coupons do look awesome, but are completely unnecessary.
Can I photocopy a grocery coupon is a question that is asked by many that are new to grocery couponing. I always say when you don't know something ask. Have you noticed that you see the word printable, everywhere but not photocopy, because photocoping a coupon is not allowed.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just print out on a printer the number of coupons you wanted. Copying coupons on a photocopier versus a computer printer is considered counterfeited by law, and you can be prosecuted. Coupons are a fun way to stimulate business, but not to go out of business.
However, with all of this being said, you can with an iphone print coupons from the printable coupons, Grocery and Coupon Code Apps. The limit is 2. Also, there is the Grocery IQ Coupon App with a limit of 2. So you have 4 with different barcodes. Also, don't forget friends and family.
Also, any attempt to change your IP address to print more coupons is considered fraud. There is a per computer print limit. I have been told by a friend that nowadays with new technology there is no requirement to download the software to properly print coupons. You can now print from the library, your work place, or anywhere you met resistance from downloading the software.
Now you can take advantage of the new awesome technology that will also maintain computer integrity and security. Printing out coupons is very green in that you can look at all the coupons and print out only the ones you intend to use, using your own paper. You can use recycle paper.
Just print out your coupons on the back side that has no graphics or print. This is very cost effective for the manufacturer. Ink cost can be managed by purchasing good quality ink at a good price. I like to purchase my ink from here.
I am able to get huge discounts on my ink and toner at Ink4Less. It's good quality ink and toner, you might give them a try here. You can also save paper by printing on the back side of scrap paper. It works! To grocery coupon is not free, but it is seldom addressed.
I always say just use your best judgment. However, some sites you might want to pass up. I have never had a problem. I do believe that going from site to site ups your risk, just like it would in other types of searching.
So, I like to use an anti-virus software on my computer for a little bit of insurance. There are many available. You might like to check the one I like below. Learning to search for ecoupons is a little bit of work in the beginning, but can pay off handsomely in the end.
Click Here to get more information about the Top Rated Antivirus Program I use when surfing the internet.
My I Present My Article Reprinted from EzineArticles:
"Never stop learning because life never stops teaching." Unknown
Prior to my Thrive Market membership I did good with a little time and effort locating organics on manufacturer's websites. This was my thing. I started putting together a list so I could stay focused on what coupon I was looking for.
Many times I was able to add a coupon from some of the manufacturer's websites to my store loyalty card. Saving is saving, whether you are using a grocery coupon, canning, and even shopping online at Thrive Market. I try not to put myself in a box.
My focus is to save. With me, the savings vehicles can and do vary. You can get a trial membership to use for 30 days to see if this tool is a good fit for you. I emphasis use, because if you don't use it how will you know?
You must see for yourself the awesome savings on organic brands for a wide range of diets such as vegan, paleo, non-GMO to name a few.

This is a review on Thrive Market, and some of the online reviewers of Thrive Market. Prior to a membership purchase I read many reviews about Thrive Market, and they range from totally awesome to not happy.
I was thinking why was there such disparity in the Thrive Market experience? Well, it’s impossible to know, however there is one possibility I’d like to explore.
After reading a great deal of the reviews, I came to the conclusion based on the comments, and not my experience, that it's a good idea to follow the procedure for cancelling a trial membership to the letter.
Entering a trial membership especially with a credit card requirement is serious business. I review the terms prior to entering into such an agreement. One thing I did learn from reading the comments is to make sure to use only one email, because you might run the probability of creating 2 accounts and billed twice.
If I am cancelling, and not moving ahead with the membership, I would cancel no less than one week prior to my trial membership ending. I would give myself at least that much time, because too many uncertainties can come last minute.
I would follow through to confirm my cancellation, preferably receiving something in writing. I couldn't help but notice, based on the comments, that Thrive Market will most likely hold you accountable to the terms of the trial agreement.
I think Thrive Market is a good company, but perhaps they have concerns too, about being taken advantage of. And of course you are not the bad guy, because of your complaint. You have a right to complain. Maybe nobody is the bad guy here, just a lot of misunderstanding, undotted “i”s and uncrossed “t”s.
Whenever you enter into a trial agreement you have to be on top of your game. I have had some not so pleasant experiences with trial memberships myself, where I had dropped the ball, and invited unhappiness. I allowed it to happen so many times that I just don’t do trials anymore.
There is nothing wrong with trial memberships. They are not just for me. In a lot of cases we don't realize, or want to accept that a trial agreement is serious business. It is imperative that you watch dates, especially if there is a chance you will be cancelling the membership.
I’ve had some companies give me a full refund, even after my credit card was charged, but I hadn’t used the service. I made a mistake in painting this experience with a brush, not fully accepting the fact that every company operates differently, guided by their own terms of service.
If you like the service, you could allow your trial membership to roll into a 1 year membership agreement. That’s the route I took. With Thrive Market, it is my understanding that you can cancel anytime during the trial period and not be billed. I didn’t read the terms.
If I had gone the trial route, I most definitely would have. But I know me. “To thine own self be true,” says Polonius in Hamlet. I had been courting Thrive Market for a long time, and knew what I wanted.
My experience has been a good one with Thrive Market. They sell well-known awesome brands at way below retail prices. Some stores do sell close to Thrive Market prices, however, the quality of the brands is of no interest to me. Eating cheap and buying cheap are not synonymous to me. My goal is to eat quality, while buying at very affordable prices.
If this is something of interest to you, checkout Thrive Market for yourself. Today’s food prices are constantly rising, and we must be on the lookout for ways to stretch those food dollars. Thrive Market does require a membership of $59.95. Well, I feel the $59.95 is not a bad investment at all when weighing all the fantastic benefits that Thrive Market offers.
Thrive Market carries major brands that will be of interest to vegans, those interested in eating organic, paleo, among many others. Browse the Thrive Market catalog to see for yourself. Orders at the time of this writing, over $49.00 ship free.
I try to make sure to meet this requirement, because I hate paying shipping. I have cancelled orders from places where I felt the shipping was way too much. With just taking into account the free shipping alone, you could re-coup that $59.95 membership fee in no time.
I was introduce to Thrive Market through their awesome blog. There you will find informative articles, free recipes, and the like. Thrive Market, in my opinion is an awesome frugal tool. You can realize savings of up to 50% off retail.
With so many wonderful benefit it’s sad to see people unhappy with their Thrive Market experience. However in my opinion, all is not lost.
You still have a membership that is an awesome budget stretching tool, to put to work for you. With a little ingenuity you could in no time re-coup the $59.95 membership fee, and make yourself whole. It’s not like you have a dress 2 sizes too small that is of no value to you.
There is a lot of money that can be saved by taking advantage of the benefits that Thrive Market has to offer. Where stressing is not working, perhaps recouping will.
If this post is of benefit to you, or someone you know, please share it with them, and on your Facebook Page. Share links are provided below.
Stockpiling meals for me translate into cooking when I want to cook, bottom line. The taste and nutrition greatly suffers when I'm just not up to cooking, but must. Take-out advantages without the take-out is a major benefit.
Providing nutrient dense, wholesome, economically meals are difficult to do last minute. When I stockpile, I have my 30 day meal prep at the forefront of my meal planning. So in essence my food stockpiling evolves around my 30 day meal prep.
A lot of my friends extreme coupon, and I like to extreme coupon too, however, I have found it very difficult for me at least, to put a meal together with unrelated inventory. As I mentioned above, when I stockpile my goal is meal prepping, and not just accumulating a bunch of unrelated food items. Of course, it's nothing wrong with that, I just think it is important to know what your goal is when you stockpile.
The taste and nutrition greatly suffers when I'm just not up to cooking, but must. Take-out advantages without the take-out is a major plus. Providing nutrient dense, wholesome, and economical meals are difficult to do last minute. An entire month of meal planning and preparing are, in my opinion, awesome budget stretching frugal tools.
I started out doubling recipes and freezing one for another meal. No pressure. Now I bulk cook for a month at a time. Pressure in the beginning, but lessens as the skill becomes more and more comfortable with use.
I generally have more than 30 meals ready to heat up in the freezer at any given time. However, I am not committed to any freezer meal. I know what I have in my inventory, and if I want something else I prepare it.
She now has a new skill that she says saves a lot of money. Some days she says she is just drained, and loves the idea that they don't have to eat out so much.
Click Here for great value, savings, and discounts at restaurants if your local area, if you decide to have a family outing at the restaurant.

Over the summer when her Mom visits they stockpile meals together for the upcoming school year. Her husband especially appreciates their efforts. They call it cooking for the freezer.
"Fast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap, and it taste good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu."
Eric Sohlosser
Having to put a meal together without the proper planning can lack essential nutrients necessary for optimum health. So my last minute meals are the exception, and not the rule.
My thing is that we have many technological advancements in the food arena, case in point, the refrigerator and freezer, so why not put them to use to save some money? My grandmother had what was called an icebox, where they delivered ice to her home daily.
She would have loved to be able to prep her lunch for a week, and then grab and go.
The truth is in our modern day society, we take a lot for granted. I love stockpiling meals because for me it is a labor of love. Is it for you? If you think it could be, begin with knowledge.
This resource has guidance that should provide assistance in getting started. We can sometimes piggy-back off the learning of others who have done what we are desiring to do. Frugal friends the time has come to reheat and eat.
I also want to mention that whether it's an e-Coupon or a paper coupon, they do have an expiration date.
When e-Couponing, Protect Yourself With A Good Antivirus Program.
I think surfing for any coupon deserves some protection like any other work we do online. You will be viewing many different sites that will request your email address. I use an exclusive email for this application. Also, you will have to download software from various sites for the privilege of printing a coupon.Remember, your coupon must come directly from the printer, it is illegal to photocopy them. Some people are a little concerned, but I have never had an issue. I do a lot of coupon printing, so it is important to me to get a good price for my ink and toner.
When e-couponing you can reap awesome benefits along with some new responsibilities. One responsibility, first and foremost, is protecting your computer with a good antivirus program.
Another responsibility, in my opinion, is to keep your cost of ink and paper down as much as possible. I think using a laser printer for this application set to print in black ink is very economical. Color coupons do look awesome, but are completely unnecessary.
Can I Photocopy A Grocery Coupon?
Can I photocopy a grocery coupon is a question that is asked by many that are new to grocery couponing. I always say when you don't know something ask. Have you noticed that you see the word printable, everywhere but not photocopy, because photocoping a coupon is not allowed.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just print out on a printer the number of coupons you wanted. Copying coupons on a photocopier versus a computer printer is considered counterfeited by law, and you can be prosecuted. Coupons are a fun way to stimulate business, but not to go out of business.
However, with all of this being said, you can with an iphone print coupons from the printable coupons, Grocery and Coupon Code Apps. The limit is 2. Also, there is the Grocery IQ Coupon App with a limit of 2. So you have 4 with different barcodes. Also, don't forget friends and family.
Also, any attempt to change your IP address to print more coupons is considered fraud. There is a per computer print limit. I have been told by a friend that nowadays with new technology there is no requirement to download the software to properly print coupons. You can now print from the library, your work place, or anywhere you met resistance from downloading the software.
Now you can take advantage of the new awesome technology that will also maintain computer integrity and security. Printing out coupons is very green in that you can look at all the coupons and print out only the ones you intend to use, using your own paper. You can use recycle paper.
Just print out your coupons on the back side that has no graphics or print. This is very cost effective for the manufacturer. Ink cost can be managed by purchasing good quality ink at a good price. I like to purchase my ink from here.

I am able to get huge discounts on my ink and toner at Ink4Less. It's good quality ink and toner, you might give them a try here. You can also save paper by printing on the back side of scrap paper. It works! To grocery coupon is not free, but it is seldom addressed.
I always say just use your best judgment. However, some sites you might want to pass up. I have never had a problem. I do believe that going from site to site ups your risk, just like it would in other types of searching.
So, I like to use an anti-virus software on my computer for a little bit of insurance. There are many available. You might like to check the one I like below. Learning to search for ecoupons is a little bit of work in the beginning, but can pay off handsomely in the end.
Click Here to get more information about the Top Rated Antivirus Program I use when surfing the internet.
My I Present My Article Reprinted from EzineArticles:
How to Learn Couponing
By J
McKnight | Submitted On June 13, 2014
I have
many savings tools in my frugal tool box, and couponing happens to be one of
them. At the end of your transaction total, each coupon is then applied. Each coupon makes a beep sound reducing your amount due.
Couponing can be a hard working tool in your frugal tool box. Using a grocery coupon can be a great budget stretcher. Would you like to venture off into the world of grocery couponing where consumers like yourself save a lot of money?
Couponing can be a hard working tool in your frugal tool box. Using a grocery coupon can be a great budget stretcher. Would you like to venture off into the world of grocery couponing where consumers like yourself save a lot of money?
can be a lot of fun too whether you are doing it with someone or you are going
solo. What an experience it is when you are at the register listening to every
beep bringing down your total as each coupon is applied reducing the retail
price of your goods.
All of your time, effort, and hard work is paying off as they play your favorite beep song in subtraction mode.
All of your time, effort, and hard work is paying off as they play your favorite beep song in subtraction mode.
only with the fundamentals you too can realize a great deal of savings.
Couponing in the beginning is a lot of work, because your couponing skill is
new and has not yet become habit. Learning couponing can pay off big however if
you stay the course.
For example, think about when you were learning to walk. It wasn't easy but you stayed with it. How about when you learned how to cook, the amount of work it was in the beginning. But after you mastered the basics, you could almost cook in your sleep.
For example, think about when you were learning to walk. It wasn't easy but you stayed with it. How about when you learned how to cook, the amount of work it was in the beginning. But after you mastered the basics, you could almost cook in your sleep.
So you
want to know how to get started grocery couponing? Couponing like any skill
requires knowledge. Grocery couponing can be frustrating, and almost impossible
if you don't equip yourself with the fundamentals first.
Well the first step is to commit to the necessary work that will be required in learning how to grocery coupon.
Well the first step is to commit to the necessary work that will be required in learning how to grocery coupon.
No one
whether they be extreme couponers or not, was born knowing. They paid a price
to know what they know. Too many people think you shouldn't have to work at
learning how to grocery coupon.
They think perhaps that this is a skill that should come natural. Well if you clip out a grocery coupon now and then and that's the beginning and ending of you grocery couponing, then I guess that would come natural.
They think perhaps that this is a skill that should come natural. Well if you clip out a grocery coupon now and then and that's the beginning and ending of you grocery couponing, then I guess that would come natural.
if you want to do some stretch your budget kind of couponing, you will need to
acquire some knowledge to do that. You will need to know more than just how to
operate a pair of scissors.
After you have the basis under you belt, then is up to you how far you want to take this new skill. Just like with cooking or any other skill there is always something new with couponing.
The more you learn the more you save. You decide how much you want to coupon. It's different for everyone.
After you have the basis under you belt, then is up to you how far you want to take this new skill. Just like with cooking or any other skill there is always something new with couponing.
The more you learn the more you save. You decide how much you want to coupon. It's different for everyone.
In my
book any savings is a plus. There is no one size fits all. You can also learn
at you own pace as long as you continue the course. There is absolutely no need
to jump in head first. You can enter the water gently.
If you decide to venture off into grocery couponing you too might discover how useful this hard working frugal tool below can be. Give it a try.
You might discover a new budget stretching hard working tool that plays your favorite beep song. Just do what you can do. Enjoy the music. It's an awesome song.
If you decide to venture off into grocery couponing you too might discover how useful this hard working frugal tool below can be. Give it a try.
You might discover a new budget stretching hard working tool that plays your favorite beep song. Just do what you can do. Enjoy the music. It's an awesome song.
To get
the basic fundamentals needed to start grocery couponing visit:
Article Source:
Contrary To Popular Belief You Can Buy Organic On A Budget.
How I Skipped Couponing, The Grocery Store Crowds, and Still Realized Some Awesome Savings On My Organic Items by Shopping Online at Thrive Market.
Have you heard of Thrive Market? Allow me to introduce a major player where I purchase online organic items for less. It is a membership site that offers natural and organic food products at a lower cost. I love grocery couponing, however I never allow myself to forget that grocery couponing is just one savings vehicle among many.
Prior to my Thrive Market membership I did good with a little time and effort locating organics on manufacturer's websites. This was my thing. I started putting together a list so I could stay focused on what coupon I was looking for.
Many times I was able to add a coupon from some of the manufacturer's websites to my store loyalty card. Saving is saving, whether you are using a grocery coupon, canning, and even shopping online at Thrive Market. I try not to put myself in a box.
My focus is to save. With me, the savings vehicles can and do vary. You can get a trial membership to use for 30 days to see if this tool is a good fit for you. I emphasis use, because if you don't use it how will you know?
You must see for yourself the awesome savings on organic brands for a wide range of diets such as vegan, paleo, non-GMO to name a few.
PART VII - Stretch Those Organic Food Dollar.
Check Out Thrive Market For Awesome Deals on Purchasing Organics.

Is Thrive Market The Bad Guy?
Have you heard of Thrive Market? It's an awesome online store where you can purchase organics at good prices. We have to think outside, as well as inside the box these days to bring wholesome nutritious foods, to the table without going over budget.
This is a review on Thrive Market, and some of the online reviewers of Thrive Market. Prior to a membership purchase I read many reviews about Thrive Market, and they range from totally awesome to not happy.
I was thinking why was there such disparity in the Thrive Market experience? Well, it’s impossible to know, however there is one possibility I’d like to explore.
After reading a great deal of the reviews, I came to the conclusion based on the comments, and not my experience, that it's a good idea to follow the procedure for cancelling a trial membership to the letter.
Entering a trial membership especially with a credit card requirement is serious business. I review the terms prior to entering into such an agreement. One thing I did learn from reading the comments is to make sure to use only one email, because you might run the probability of creating 2 accounts and billed twice.
If I am cancelling, and not moving ahead with the membership, I would cancel no less than one week prior to my trial membership ending. I would give myself at least that much time, because too many uncertainties can come last minute.
I would follow through to confirm my cancellation, preferably receiving something in writing. I couldn't help but notice, based on the comments, that Thrive Market will most likely hold you accountable to the terms of the trial agreement.
I think Thrive Market is a good company, but perhaps they have concerns too, about being taken advantage of. And of course you are not the bad guy, because of your complaint. You have a right to complain. Maybe nobody is the bad guy here, just a lot of misunderstanding, undotted “i”s and uncrossed “t”s.
Whenever you enter into a trial agreement you have to be on top of your game. I have had some not so pleasant experiences with trial memberships myself, where I had dropped the ball, and invited unhappiness. I allowed it to happen so many times that I just don’t do trials anymore.
There is nothing wrong with trial memberships. They are not just for me. In a lot of cases we don't realize, or want to accept that a trial agreement is serious business. It is imperative that you watch dates, especially if there is a chance you will be cancelling the membership.
I’ve had some companies give me a full refund, even after my credit card was charged, but I hadn’t used the service. I made a mistake in painting this experience with a brush, not fully accepting the fact that every company operates differently, guided by their own terms of service.
If you like the service, you could allow your trial membership to roll into a 1 year membership agreement. That’s the route I took. With Thrive Market, it is my understanding that you can cancel anytime during the trial period and not be billed. I didn’t read the terms.
If I had gone the trial route, I most definitely would have. But I know me. “To thine own self be true,” says Polonius in Hamlet. I had been courting Thrive Market for a long time, and knew what I wanted.
My experience has been a good one with Thrive Market. They sell well-known awesome brands at way below retail prices. Some stores do sell close to Thrive Market prices, however, the quality of the brands is of no interest to me. Eating cheap and buying cheap are not synonymous to me. My goal is to eat quality, while buying at very affordable prices.
How To Buy Organic On The Cheap.
Thrive Market carries major brands that will be of interest to vegans, those interested in eating organic, paleo, among many others. Browse the Thrive Market catalog to see for yourself. Orders at the time of this writing, over $49.00 ship free.
I try to make sure to meet this requirement, because I hate paying shipping. I have cancelled orders from places where I felt the shipping was way too much. With just taking into account the free shipping alone, you could re-coup that $59.95 membership fee in no time.
I was introduce to Thrive Market through their awesome blog. There you will find informative articles, free recipes, and the like. Thrive Market, in my opinion is an awesome frugal tool. You can realize savings of up to 50% off retail.
With so many wonderful benefit it’s sad to see people unhappy with their Thrive Market experience. However in my opinion, all is not lost.
You still have a membership that is an awesome budget stretching tool, to put to work for you. With a little ingenuity you could in no time re-coup the $59.95 membership fee, and make yourself whole. It’s not like you have a dress 2 sizes too small that is of no value to you.
There is a lot of money that can be saved by taking advantage of the benefits that Thrive Market has to offer. Where stressing is not working, perhaps recouping will.
If this post is of benefit to you, or someone you know, please share it with them, and on your Facebook Page. Share links are provided below.
PART VIII - Freezer Meals Anyone?
You can save 50% or more off your food budget just with this one awesome frugal food budget tool. A grocery frugal coupon is not the only food budget stretcher.
"When one teaches, two learns." Robert Heinlein
An Entire Month of Meal Planning and Preparing Rocks.
Stockpiling meals for me translate into cooking when I want to cook, bottom line. The taste and nutrition greatly suffers when I'm just not up to cooking, but must. Take-out advantages without the take-out is a major benefit.
Providing nutrient dense, wholesome, economically meals are difficult to do last minute. When I stockpile, I have my 30 day meal prep at the forefront of my meal planning. So in essence my food stockpiling evolves around my 30 day meal prep.
A lot of my friends extreme coupon, and I like to extreme coupon too, however, I have found it very difficult for me at least, to put a meal together with unrelated inventory. As I mentioned above, when I stockpile my goal is meal prepping, and not just accumulating a bunch of unrelated food items. Of course, it's nothing wrong with that, I just think it is important to know what your goal is when you stockpile.
The taste and nutrition greatly suffers when I'm just not up to cooking, but must. Take-out advantages without the take-out is a major plus. Providing nutrient dense, wholesome, and economical meals are difficult to do last minute. An entire month of meal planning and preparing are, in my opinion, awesome budget stretching frugal tools.
I started out doubling recipes and freezing one for another meal. No pressure. Now I bulk cook for a month at a time. Pressure in the beginning, but lessens as the skill becomes more and more comfortable with use.
I generally have more than 30 meals ready to heat up in the freezer at any given time. However, I am not committed to any freezer meal. I know what I have in my inventory, and if I want something else I prepare it.
"The expert in anything was once a beginner." Helen Hayes
About Once A Month Meals!
Make Ahead Meals Saves A Bundle Of Time And Money.
Lots of people in today's world love the freezer meal concept. A friend of mine who teaches elementary school purchased the program, and tried freezing a few meals during her holiday break, just to see if she liked it, and to get her feet wet. Well is she glad she did?She now has a new skill that she says saves a lot of money. Some days she says she is just drained, and loves the idea that they don't have to eat out so much.
Eating Out Of Plastics Can Get Old.
Sometimes because of time restraints and convenience, eating out is the quicker option. However, I am of the opinion that, by stockpiling even a few meals, and being able to control the quality, and ingredients can pay huge dividends in helping to keep your immune system well nourished and strong.Click Here for great value, savings, and discounts at restaurants if your local area, if you decide to have a family outing at the restaurant.

"Fast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap, and it taste good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu."
Eric Sohlosser
Cut Down On Takeout.
Freezer meals provide for me the take-out convenience without having to do take-out. I control the ingredients which better my chances of putting a wholesome, economical meal on the table which is difficult to do last minute.Having to put a meal together without the proper planning can lack essential nutrients necessary for optimum health. So my last minute meals are the exception, and not the rule.
My thing is that we have many technological advancements in the food arena, case in point, the refrigerator and freezer, so why not put them to use to save some money? My grandmother had what was called an icebox, where they delivered ice to her home daily.
She would have loved to be able to prep her lunch for a week, and then grab and go.
The truth is in our modern day society, we take a lot for granted. I love stockpiling meals because for me it is a labor of love. Is it for you? If you think it could be, begin with knowledge.
Reheat And Eat

This resource has guidance that should provide assistance in getting started. We can sometimes piggy-back off the learning of others who have done what we are desiring to do. Frugal friends the time has come to reheat and eat.
Take That First Step Today And Learn How To Freeze Food.
"Every Accomplishment Starts With The Decision To Try." Gail Devers
Create Your Own Home Coffee.

I love good coffee. With the right equipment good coffee can be easily had at home at a fraction of the cost of going out. Even if you had coffee out with friends twice a week versus five would save a lot of money.
The smell of good coffee is so inviting when entertaining at home. A big part of the ultimate coffee experience is the smell. Good coffee equipment, in my opinion is an awesome frugal tool that pays for itself in no time at all.
So when you are not in the mood to go out for good coffee, you can create your own coffee bar so that you have the option to have good coffee anytime you are in the mood, whether you are in or out and about.
You Too, Can Learn To Bake Your Own Scrumptious Bread
Is It Cheaper To Make Your Own Bread - It Depends.
"The art of bread making can become a consumer hobby, and no matter how often and how many kinds of bread one has made, there seems to be something new to learn."
Julia Child
Not always cheaper to bake your own bread. Updated on June 29, 2017

Not always cheaper to bake your own bread.
Frugal friends, it is not always cheaper to bake your own bread. When you factor in your time, your own ingredients, and creativity it's anything but cheaper in my opinion.
So it just depends. My number one reason for baking bread at home is that I can control the ingredients. Bread is a staple in my household, and it is important to me to make sure I provide it at a good price without sacrificing taste, nutrition, and texture in that order.
One of the health issues in my household is high blood pressure. Sodium, better known as salt, can be a common restrictive dietary item in the management of this disease. Commercial bread can contain a huge amount of sodium. So, baking your own bread can be helpful in the management of sodium.
A lot of people are gluten free, and can start baking their own gluten free breads at home. People on a weight loss journey can custom make their breads. I know that I for one, tend to eat less bread when I make my own. This translates into me being able to keep a little more bread in my life when I am losing, or maintaining my weight.
The question is which is cheaper, baking your own bread at home, or purchasing bread at the store? A lot of individuals say that you can save money by baking your bread at home. I have been baking bread for a long time and have not been able to beat , or even meet the cost of commercial bread. So, my hat is off to these individuals.
Sometimes baking homemade bread cheaper than store bought can and does happen, but is not a given in my opinion. The cost of bread baking will depend on several factors, such as quality ingredients, quality being very relative. Frugal friends, you know first hand that quality does not come cheap.
Quality grains and seeds are expensive, in my book. Also, when I have time I grind my own grains for freshness which, in my opinion, is worthwhile and super easy to do. Cost is a major factor in stretching those bread making budget dollars. However, not everything is about dollars and cents.
Buying yeast in bulk does however help, but unlike commercial bakeries, I cannot buy wholesale my major ingredients for better pricing. Without this edge I am at a disadvantage to commercial bread bakers based on my cost. However, disadvantages sometimes can, with a little creativity, be worked around.
A lot of times when something is mass produced the attention to detail will not be on the same level as when the focus is more specific. This, in my opinion, is where the home bread baker can shine. Let's also factor in my time and electricity cost.
My skill in baking bread that is tasty and appealing to the senses takes time, not to mention lots of hard work, and sometimes with little payoff. If baking bread is a skill you would like to have, just stay with it. Trial and error will, in lots of cases, get you there. This is just a small part of learning an awesome new skill, that will pay for itself in many, many ways.
Frugal friends, tasty nutrient dense bread doesn't just happen. There is a learning curve, so if you would like to venture into making homemade bread, understand up front that no matter how easy the recipe, baking bread is a tool that will require skill.
The skill of the baker and the quality of the ingredients, in my opinion, is not unlike a tailor made suit costing you more than buying a suit off the rack.
I think it is a pity that many people view commercial bread as being inferior to homemade bread. The truth is you can make very crappy nutritionally inferior bread at home too, and buy awesome wholesome bread at the store. I know first hand because I have done both.
When I first start baking my own bread, I thought I was providing a good service for me, and my family by not saying no to recipes with cheap ingredients.
When I'm baking my own bread I am seeking something special compared to just buying run-of-the-mill bread. I have come across some awesome deals on store bought wholesome bread that I stockpile in the freezer. I thaw out one loaf at a time, and never refreeze.
So it just depends. My number one reason for baking bread at home is that I can control the ingredients. Bread is a staple in my household, and it is important to me to make sure I provide it at a good price without sacrificing taste, nutrition, and texture in that order.
One of the health issues in my household is high blood pressure. Sodium, better known as salt, can be a common restrictive dietary item in the management of this disease. Commercial bread can contain a huge amount of sodium. So, baking your own bread can be helpful in the management of sodium.
A lot of people are gluten free, and can start baking their own gluten free breads at home. People on a weight loss journey can custom make their breads. I know that I for one, tend to eat less bread when I make my own. This translates into me being able to keep a little more bread in my life when I am losing, or maintaining my weight.
The question is which is cheaper, baking your own bread at home, or purchasing bread at the store? A lot of individuals say that you can save money by baking your bread at home. I have been baking bread for a long time and have not been able to beat , or even meet the cost of commercial bread. So, my hat is off to these individuals.
Sometimes baking homemade bread cheaper than store bought can and does happen, but is not a given in my opinion. The cost of bread baking will depend on several factors, such as quality ingredients, quality being very relative. Frugal friends, you know first hand that quality does not come cheap.
Quality grains and seeds are expensive, in my book. Also, when I have time I grind my own grains for freshness which, in my opinion, is worthwhile and super easy to do. Cost is a major factor in stretching those bread making budget dollars. However, not everything is about dollars and cents.
Buying yeast in bulk does however help, but unlike commercial bakeries, I cannot buy wholesale my major ingredients for better pricing. Without this edge I am at a disadvantage to commercial bread bakers based on my cost. However, disadvantages sometimes can, with a little creativity, be worked around.
A lot of times when something is mass produced the attention to detail will not be on the same level as when the focus is more specific. This, in my opinion, is where the home bread baker can shine. Let's also factor in my time and electricity cost.
My skill in baking bread that is tasty and appealing to the senses takes time, not to mention lots of hard work, and sometimes with little payoff. If baking bread is a skill you would like to have, just stay with it. Trial and error will, in lots of cases, get you there. This is just a small part of learning an awesome new skill, that will pay for itself in many, many ways.
Frugal friends, tasty nutrient dense bread doesn't just happen. There is a learning curve, so if you would like to venture into making homemade bread, understand up front that no matter how easy the recipe, baking bread is a tool that will require skill.
The skill of the baker and the quality of the ingredients, in my opinion, is not unlike a tailor made suit costing you more than buying a suit off the rack.
I think it is a pity that many people view commercial bread as being inferior to homemade bread. The truth is you can make very crappy nutritionally inferior bread at home too, and buy awesome wholesome bread at the store. I know first hand because I have done both.
When I first start baking my own bread, I thought I was providing a good service for me, and my family by not saying no to recipes with cheap ingredients.
When I'm baking my own bread I am seeking something special compared to just buying run-of-the-mill bread. I have come across some awesome deals on store bought wholesome bread that I stockpile in the freezer. I thaw out one loaf at a time, and never refreeze.
So as you can see, I bake and buy bread. This is what works for me. A friend of mine never buys store bought bread because lots of store breads are loaded with preservatives. I have a little more tolerance in this area.
The truth is I have only purchased what I concluded, after reading the label, to be good quality store bought bread, for 25 cents a loaf in many cases. I can't make bread for that price unless I use cheap ingredients and perhaps not even then.
In a modern society we are exposed to many toxins on a daily basis. I read labels, and decide for myself what is consumed by me and my family. Also, I rely on the intelligence of the body. If I consume a food that makes me feel sick, or perhaps drained, I will stop consuming it whether it is considered a health food or not.
If I can stockpile quality commercial bread at a good price that perhaps does not eliminate, but does however, lower my toxic load, I consider this purchase a win for me, but not my friend who has her own truth. It's been my experience, that when the quality goes up the cost also goes up, regardless of where the bread was baked.
By baking your bread at home you can produce, in my opinion, a better product that can be tailored to your specific needs, and requirements. It is your personalized creativity that will knock commercial competition right out of the park, with the many advantages that can far outweigh the price.
Conventional store bought bread is normally delivered everyday except on Sundays and Wednesdays. The colored bread tags correspond to a particular day of the week. For instance, blue is for Mondays. So if you see a blue tag and it's Monday the bread was delivered that same day.
Green is for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays are skipped, Red for Thursdays, and White for Fridays. There are a few exceptions in the marketplace, but the above system is pretty much universal. A definition of day old bread provided by the manager of a day old bread outlet, is bread that is a day old, or perhaps more than a day old, but still good for consumption.
In fact stale bread is better for making homemade croutons, bread pudding, and stuffing things like that. But when I make my sandwiches, I prefer fresh. With the cost of bread today, utilizing day old bread places can save you 50% or more off your bread budget, which makes day old bread a hard working tool in my frugal toolbox.
Also, if interested every brand of bread usually will have an outlet. I buy in bulk for maybe 2 weeks. I use one loaf and freeze the rest which will slow down the aging process. When a loaf is thawed out, I don't refreeze. I thaw out as needed. I have been doing this for years. The money that is saved on bread can be put to good use stretching those food budget dollars somewhere else in the food budget.
Visit link for more out of the box frugal ideas:
- Visit link for more out of the box frugal ideas.
© 2017 JM McKnight
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3 Ways to Eat Healthy When a Food Budget is Super Tight.

Contrary to popular belief, frugality is not natural, but an acquired skill-set unique to the individual. In this instance, your goal could be to buy cheap, but not to eat cheap which could compromise good health.
I have 3 ways to eat healthy when a food budget is super tight. Maintaining a positive mindset is probably the #1 most important thing you can do to get through this, with emphasis on through.
Believe it or not your most important asset long term is not money; but is in my opinion, your ability to think and come up with ideas to work with or around money.
This may sound a little crazy but money did, for whatever reason leave you. It may not have been money's fault, case in point, a job loss whatever. The bottom line is your money is low or non-existent. So in essence money is free to leave, however, we never have to leave ourselves.
Money is important but not the be all end all. What we choose to develop within us will not leave us and is ours for life. I have read articles about the super rich losing millions on an investment but they appear to never be overly concerned.
I think it is because they have developed proven skill-sets that will make more. In observing the wealthy, wealth appears to be created within, versus outside of themselves. So more often than not, what they know within will create more.
In essence, it appears to not be the money per se, but the knowledge and experience developed within.
My #2 way is to intentionally overlap ingredients. For example, you took out a sizable portion from your food budget to purchase the ingredients for cornbread. This is what I call your meal anchor. You will then build the rest of your frugal meals around this anchor.
You might entertain cornbread and collard greens which is an absolute powerhouse of awesome nutrition. Another possibility could be cornbread and beans. One of my favorites is cornbread and milk, which is normally eaten like a cereal.
All of these mentioned dishes I ate a lot of especially during my childhood. And who knew cornbread is freezer friendly. I'm vegan and what I eat now is a lot of soups.
If you are on a budget and want to eat organic, in my opinion soups are the way to go. I normally prepare large batches of soup with organic ingredients and freeze a meal or two. I use in my soups brown rice and wild rice combination, lots of wholesome sweet potatoes, lentils, and chickpeas for some protein.
Not a soup fan, how about some chickpeas and curry over rice? Also contrary to popular belief, you don't need to have every single ingredient in a recipe for it to still taste fine. Do whatever speaks to you, with emphasis on the do.
I like to grocery stockpile. Whether I'm stockpiling can goods, spices, or even a skill-set, stockpiling is an awesome budget stretcher. For example, knowing a little something about freezer meals, or how to prepare preserves could be a good place to put stockpiling to work. Stockpiling is very versatile.
My last and #3 way is to keep searching for new ideas and recipes that you feel will work for you. When I first encounter a recipe, the recipe title is the first thing that catches my attention. However, it is only after I scan the ingredient list that I make the decision to give it a go.
If I spot a major ingredient that is too expensive for me at the time I will pass it up and look for something similar. Sometimes you can do substitutions that will keep you on track with the original recipe, or you may discover you have created a different dish that taste even better to you than the original one.
I especially like recipes that touch on the basic food groups. Familiarize yourself with the basic food groups, which could serve as the foundation of your meals. The library has tons of free information about preparing healthy meals.
There is a lot to know, however just knowing the basics will serve you well. I might prepare a pasta dish that I want to up the protein on by adding a few lentils. Preparing wholesome, nutritious, tasty, and yet inexpensive meals may require you to be a little creative but are not out of your reach.
Being able to put frugality to work, in my view is key. Life in my opinion, is not all about what you have on the outside, but what you have on the inside counts too!
Frugal Gardening Hacks - How To Start A Garden On A Shoestring
A garden is a must have for me. I maintain 7 different gardens now, which is my limit. There is something special about being out in nature particularly in the growing process of our food, which is a necessity for our survival.
Gardening like most things lends itself to frugality. As a child I grew up eating from a summer garden in an urban environment. However, I got away from it after I left home.
I have a friend that loves gardening. After speaking with her, I too became interested in starting my own basic garden, but the savings were huge. I then began to see the potential savings of having gardens, and have been gardening ever since.
I like to use seeds that are left over from the previous year. I check my seeds each year to see if they are good. I will pour the seeds in a bowl of water and leave them overnight.
The seeds that sink to the bottom are usually good to go. The ones that floated to the top are thrown out. This is a frugal tip from my dear avid gardening friend that has served me well.
The seeds that sink to the bottom are usually good to go. The ones that floated to the top are thrown out. This is a frugal tip from my dear avid gardening friend that has served me well.
Decoding Organic Food Labels Is An Awesome Budget Stretcher.
Information is critical in knowing as much as possible about what you are buying. When buying fruits and vegetables you may encounter a sticker that will provide you with some information about what you are buying. These stickers a lot of times will drive the price. If you are comparing a product on sale it is critical that you are comparing a product that not only looks alike but is an exact match.

"Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments." Bethenny Frankel
"Food is ever-changing and ever moving forward and getting more and more complex."
Alexander Guarnaschelli
Understanding Nutrition Facts

"Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments." Bethenny Frankel
Some basic codes based on my understanding are as follows:
01. 5 digits starting with 9 was organically grown.02. 5 digits starting with 8 is genetically modified.
03. 4 digits starting with 3 or 4 was grown conventionally.

Organic food labels can be confusing, and based on the percentage of organic ingredients in the product.
04. 100% Organic foods, are foods that use the USDA seal, or are made with 100% ingredients.
05. Organic foods, may use the USDA seal and will contain at least 95% organic ingredients.
06. Made with organic ingredients food, cannot use the USDA seal, but may list specific organic ingredients on the front of the package, contain at least 70% organic ingredients.
07. Contains organic ingredients, cannot use the USDA seal, but may list specific organic ingredients usually on the back of the package on the information panel, contain less than 70% organic ingredients.
"If you can't afford organic food and are unable to grow your own, it's crucial to wash all inorganic produce very carefully to minimize the toxins you consume. Soak everything for 20 minutes in water with vinegar and salt or water with fresh lemon juice and salt."
Suzanne Somers
Suzanne Somers
How To Afford Organic Food?
Is Eating Organic Affordable?

Some people will tell you that eating organic is just not possible for them, mainly because of the expense and availability. This can be true if you are not implementing some awesome tools, to help you to work around the extra expense, of eating organic. Eating organic can be can be a little pricier.
However, the truth is, eating organic can be very affordable if you are willing to implement a few frugal tools. These tools will assist you in working around those higher prices that normally can be associated with buying organic. Buying conventional versus buying organic are 2 different animals and must be shopped for using very different techniques.
From my experience to get good prices on organic foods you must be willing to shop around, and create good options for yourself. With grocery shopping especially, I think that there is no grocery store that will fit all. I get the best deals when I shop around.
Every store has its strengths and weaknesses according to my observations. My grocery shopping experiences are much better when I shop from strength to strength which is highly subjective. The first tool to take out of the frugal tool box is to determine why you are interested in eating organic.
For example, I purchase organic products to reduce my consumption of pesticides, and for better taste. I don't however, eat 100% organic because in my opinion I see this as unnecessary for one, and two, impossible for the most part to achieve. A case in point is a non-GMO crop can be cross-contaminated by a GMO crop in the field.
However, the truth is, eating organic can be very affordable if you are willing to implement a few frugal tools. These tools will assist you in working around those higher prices that normally can be associated with buying organic. Buying conventional versus buying organic are 2 different animals and must be shopped for using very different techniques.
From my experience to get good prices on organic foods you must be willing to shop around, and create good options for yourself. With grocery shopping especially, I think that there is no grocery store that will fit all. I get the best deals when I shop around.
Every store has its strengths and weaknesses according to my observations. My grocery shopping experiences are much better when I shop from strength to strength which is highly subjective. The first tool to take out of the frugal tool box is to determine why you are interested in eating organic.
For example, I purchase organic products to reduce my consumption of pesticides, and for better taste. I don't however, eat 100% organic because in my opinion I see this as unnecessary for one, and two, impossible for the most part to achieve. A case in point is a non-GMO crop can be cross-contaminated by a GMO crop in the field.
So I purchase some organic and some conventional foods that meet my goals. I see no reason to not take full advantage of buying lower cost conventional foods that have a lower probability of having a high toxic load. I think it is important to note that it is a myth from, my shopping observations, that eating organic is expensive.
There is nothing more basic than eating a food the way nature intended. Organic foods are very comparable to conventional foods in price. In my opinion, it is the buying of pre-packaged organic foods that can greatly unlevel the buying field, making organic eating unaffordable for many.
When eating organic I find it cheaper to shop from the bins, eliminating paying for packaging whenever possible. I purchase conventional foods that are less likely to be GMO. I also purchase pre-packaged conventional foods containing a GMO, but it is listed way down on the ingredient list.
My main goal in implementing organics is to reduce rather than eliminate my pesticide intake. Of course, these are the bread and butter tools I use to grocery shop that are always in style, whether buying organic or conventional. Another important tool I use when grocery shopping is to stay focused, and I do not grocery shop hungry, in order to reduce impulse buying.
The granddaddy tool of them all is to shop with a list, and pay attention to the price per unit. Some out of the box tools you can use, is to keep in mind that eye level is considered buy level. You might want to shop higher, or lower for the more economical options.
Also, you could reconsider throwing out those organic, so called scraps. They can be put to work in various dishes to up the nutrition as well as taste. For example, broccoli to me is awesome in polenta. So, after using the broccoli florets in the polenta for the breakfast meal, you could peel, chop, and saute the broccoli stems, to soften them up, and add them to a lunch salad, to up the nutrition, for no additional cost.
I don't always buy certified organic, because I do a lot of my organic produce shopping at the farmers market, and from my own garden that's planted using organic seeds. These foods are considered non-certified organic if they meet the same requirements as growing organic. They may not have not followed through to obtain certification, in many cases because of the expense.
When you eat organic, basically you are eating a product that has not been radiated. It has not been grown by using synthetic fertilizers, no synthetic pesticides, or sewage sludge, and no GMO. So eating organic is appealing to many.
However, I must caution you to not lean too heavily on any given label, because organic does not mean lead-free. You can research it for yourself.
I find organics a lot of times at off-priced stores, like in my area the $0.99 stores. When I come across the 100% organic label I pay close attention. I want to ascertain whether or not this is a product that I can stockpile and purchase with a very handsome discount of more than 50% off regular retail.
When I see it I buy it, because a good deal heavily discounted like this one will not last. I visit often, maybe 2 - 3 times per week because inventory changes daily. This is not the type of place where you go back; you must buy right then and there or you will lose out.
Another frugal tool to help you buy organic is to buy in season. When organic produce is in season and on sale, I buy in bulk then freeze and dehydrate. Also, if interested you can learn how to freeze, can, plus prepare your own flavored vinegars.
The final step I love doing each and every time I grocery shop, is to do a look over of all the foods in my cart, to make sure there are no second thoughts. This may sound simple, but is a powerful frugal tool, where you can realize savings of up to 25% or more.
You want to feel good when you get home about the purchase of each and every item. This final step will help you achieve that. These are ideas that could consequently, in my opinion greatly enhance your dining experience, for pennies.
Whenever possible I like to buy local produce that has a shorter distance to travel from the field to my table. I like to buy in bulk, and buy from bins where I am paying for product only, no packaging.
I'm also a big advocate of buying organics online. Thrive Market is my go to place. Checkout Thrive Market for yourself. Sometimes you can buy cheaper online because of their cheaper overhead.
Some of these online retailers will pass on those savings to you. Some require membership that in essence will pay for itself in no time at all, depending upon how often you shop. Thrive Market is an online retailer that does require paying an annual membership.
This is not a problem for me. I already pay for an offline membership that is worth its weight in gold. Now I have an online membership that also looks like a winner having been a member less than a year. Thrive Market meets a different need with a focus mainly on being able to purchase quality organic brands at awesome prices.
Thrive Market, in my opinion, is always competitive with other online venues, but not always the absolute cheapest. I just don't have the time or interest to seek out the cheapest bottom price. What a time hog that is.
My time has value also! And sometimes good enough is just good enough. I am checking my spending, and yes savings, which is my goal especially on products I purchase a lot of. I think Thrive Market is awesome with people that have this type of mindset.
The more you shop the more you save, has been my experience. So, just utilizing these simple tools will give you a good start and enable you to bring the cost of purchasing organic food way down, and hopefully more affordable.
I love blending with the Ninja. It's a great frugal tool that ups your nutrition for pennies on the dollar. I try to always use organic products with the peel in place, where a lot of nutrition is lost.
I read somewhere years ago that when you blend or juice, you concentrate everything not just the vitamins and minerals, but sugars and pesticides too. So, I try to juice using organics and not use straight fruit, but add a veggie also.
The Ninja is comparable to a lot of blenders that cost more. It is a hard working frugal tool that I think almost any household could benefit from. Find out more below on how the Ninja can help you to save time, and eat organic by increasing creativity and reducing waste.

It's awesome on vacation. I cut my food expense in half, minimum, when I take my Ninja.
Foraging Anyone?
Good exercise and a new skill set could work. I wish I knew whether the mushroom image above were edible or not. It would be nice to know.
So, my 2019 frugal resolution is to learn how to forage. My definition for foraging is the acquisition of wild food in nature or grown naturally without outside intervention; for example a garden versus the wild. This is frugality at it's best, but not for everyone.
Let's keep frugality free, and unboxed. I especially am interested in being able to recognize edible mushrooms and will be going with a group of experts that enjoy this activity as a way of life. I say for me, give it a try. Why not?

Stay On Track With Stockpiling

Stockpiling is one of my favorite frugal tools. However, take it from me when I say that you can get off track and defeat the benefits of stockpiling, and yes invite waste versus savings. When things are on sale stay on top of your coupon file, it's time to stock up.
You don't however, have to coupon to benefit from stockpiling. Stockpiling is a fantastic way to save when you have a system in place.
Stockpiling is very individualized. Stockpiling is frugality at it's best when it is tailored to your specific needs. Stockpiling is not hoarding! Stockpiling is also not a stack it and forget it proposition.
Your stockpiling has to be rotated, just like the grocery stores. You too have to be pulling from your older acquisitions, paying close attention to your expiration dates and whatever else that is a good idea to do depending upon your individualized stockpiling.
Your stockpiling has to be rotated, just like the grocery stores. You too have to be pulling from your older acquisitions, paying close attention to your expiration dates and whatever else that is a good idea to do depending upon your individualized stockpiling.
Buying 50 rolls of toilet paper will not cause the same issues as purchasing 50 boxes of cereal which are perishable items. If you and your family cannot use up 50 boxes of cereal without wasting you will lose money. So when grocery stockpiling, I think it's important to choose a track that will take you to your specific goals.

PART IX - Awesome Ways To Save Money Whether You Are Grocery Couponing Or Not.

A Buffet Table of My Favorite Money Saving Apps and Products in My Frugal Tool Box

An app is a type of software designed to perform a specific task, and definitely has room in my Frugal Tool Box. Here are apps and programs that I think are awesome.
Budget Stretch Using Kitchen Apps
I'm always on the lookout for a good app.
These are some of my favorites. Check them out below:
#1 Shop eBates For Huge Discounts Daily On Name
#2 Shop iBotta And Get Cash Back Every Time You
#3 FREE Trial For “Amazon Prime Student” Is A Great
#4 Checkout 51 “Earn Cash Back” For Shopping Online
For Your Favorite Brands (From Food, Household Items, Prescription Drugs,
Clothing & More).
#5 With the Spendee App, See Where Your Money Is
Going; Manage Your Money On The Go. Sign Up For Free.
#6 Wunderlist: To Do List & Task. For Those Like
Me Who Like To Cross Things Off A List.
#7 Pocket App. For All Things You Want To Read (Or
Checkout Later).
#8 Our Home App. Delegating Household Chores.
#1 Mirrors
Take good care of your mirrors. They are an awesome investment that will last usually for years with care. My grandma's windows and mirrors were always spotless. You might elect to try her very inexpensive mirror and window cleaner presented below.
Take good care of your mirrors. They are an awesome investment that will last usually for years with care. My grandma's windows and mirrors were always spotless. You might elect to try her very inexpensive mirror and window cleaner presented below.

My Grand-Mom's Favorite...
Mirror and window cleaner in a spray bottle made with 1/4 cup of white vinegar placed in one quart of water. It's a good idea to never spray directly on a mirror.
If the moisture seeks to the edges and get behind the mirror's back side it could ruin the silvering which could result in dark spots. I usually spray on a clean cleaning cloth then wipe and buff.
Being frugal is hard work. I'm sure my frugal friends would agree. Getting a lead can be a great time saver. Let me do some of the heavy lifting and please allow me to introduce
I have been doing business with them for years. Their quality, and customer service is first rate.
I would never consider moving into a place without good quality blinds that have been placed up prior. I grew up with blinds, and I just love the look. Blinds are my first layer when doing my window treatment. My second layer is my drapes that will go up over the blinds in my master bedroom, formal living room, and the kitchen.
Blinds the same color, showing from the outside, give me a very consistent look that adds to my curb appeal. I then can be as creative as I want with the drapes.
My cousin in real estate tells me that well chosen blinds help sell houses. No one enjoys having to put a sheet up upon move in. Sellers almost always leave their custom blinds but often take their drapes.
I buy quality blinds from, and treat with care. If you are in the market for blinds I highly recommend that you first check out some of the stores in your area. Hopefully you will see why I shop exclusively for blinds online at
Blinds the same color, showing from the outside, give me a very consistent look that adds to my curb appeal. I then can be as creative as I want with the drapes.
My cousin in real estate tells me that well chosen blinds help sell houses. No one enjoys having to put a sheet up upon move in. Sellers almost always leave their custom blinds but often take their drapes.
I buy quality blinds from, and treat with care. If you are in the market for blinds I highly recommend that you first check out some of the stores in your area. Hopefully you will see why I shop exclusively for blinds online at
PART XI - How I Save On Toilet Paper

You might
be surprised by how much some places pay for toilet paper. A new neighbor of
mine use to work for a college up north told me that they paid somewhere in the
neighborhood of $30K per year for toilet paper. I don't know if the $30K
included the dorms or not, but in my opinion this amount is nothing to sneeze
Still in disbelief, I came upon a site called sixfiguresunder, and again was very surprised to see that they had a post that gave 5 ways to save on toilet paper. If interested check it out. I enjoyed it immensely. I also enjoyed reading this article about toilet paper. What do you know, another related article you might find interesting.
Some months ago I decided cut my annual toilet paper expense. I came up with a figure that wasn't bad, and nowhere near 30K. But still I felt that it was a figure that needed some work to help it come down some.
Well I came up with one awesome thing that has managed to bring down this expense by 50%. That one thing I do is buy commercial paper. I do still stockpile grocery store toilet paper when on sale, and with a coupon. I take my grocery store paper with me when I travel.
I don't have to be concerned about whether or not I will have access to toilet paper. I have my own with me as backup. For the most part though, I use my commercial paper for home use.
I went through a few commercial brands and discovered one that I buy most often. It's tough and you don't need a bunch for the job. It's also nice for a change to get it to roll without a struggle.
For the most part cheap toilet paper does not work for me. Surely, cheap is better than nothing, but for me not very cost effective. Sometimes instead of coming off in a continuous sheet, it comes off in bits and pieces, and paper ends up wasted.
There are time too that I can't find the end because I guess the paper is too thin, and therefore waste more paper trying to locate the end. Before you know it the better part of a roll has been destroyed.
This toilet paper issue may not seem like a big deal to many, but the waste does add up over time. As I said earlier I don't mind spending, I just like spending smart. So I appreciate buying a good quality commercial paper I get from a local janitorial store.
Also I have learned through observations to be very careful about using toilet paper that's not on a roll. A lot of public restrooms skip this step. So don't assume that toilet paper hanging on a roll is clean, because it just may not be.
If the toilet paper is damp or stained, you may want to reconsider. I have seen first-hand toilet paper hung back up by the cleaning staff after rolling on the floor in urine. I think it's a good idea to be observant and aware.
Magazines 4 Less
Why pay more for the same magazines off the shelf when you can, with, subscribe to high quality magazines like American Nurse Today, Inside Lacrosse, Food and Consumer Reports, The Oprah Magazine, Cooks, Essence, and Wedding Flowers to name a few, at great discounts. Just choose a specific category and browse. I've done the heavy lifting for you.

I Love To Dumpster Dive
In 2018 I
picked up a new skill as part of my New Year's Resolution on how to dumpster
dive. Yes dumpster diveing is skill. First get familiar with the laws in your city about dumpster diving.
Secondly, it's nice to go with people that dumpster dive and learn some tricks of the trade from them. The term dumpster diving does not mean dive. I don't recommend diving into a dumpster. Be smart about it and choose safety.
Without further ado, these are a few of my pet peeves. I like diving at dawn where I have some natural light, and hopefully go with someone. Most of the time I never climb into a dumpster, but just pick from the top.
I don't dive into dumpsters that may have medical waste like a clinic or doctor's office, for example. I can wear gloves some thick and some thin. I never go tired. This is an alert activity.
I have come across some amazing finds; for example, great magazines which can cost as much or more than books these days. I do take full advantage too of to have a hard copy of something to read especially when traveling. So there are many ways to budget stretch. I enjoy dumpster diving very much and feel awesome about the recycling aspect.
Without further ado, these are a few of my pet peeves. I like diving at dawn where I have some natural light, and hopefully go with someone. Most of the time I never climb into a dumpster, but just pick from the top.
I don't dive into dumpsters that may have medical waste like a clinic or doctor's office, for example. I can wear gloves some thick and some thin. I never go tired. This is an alert activity.
I have come across some amazing finds; for example, great magazines which can cost as much or more than books these days. I do take full advantage too of to have a hard copy of something to read especially when traveling. So there are many ways to budget stretch. I enjoy dumpster diving very much and feel awesome about the recycling aspect.
Don’t Over Stuff Your Frugal Tool Box
One who donates to a thrift store is exercising frugality as one who is the recipient of those goods. Frugal fatigue can sneak up on you when you buy into every frugal idea that comes along. Some frugal tools will be a good fit, and some not. Just be on the lookout for those tools that work great for you.
If this is information you would like to share, please share me on your Facebook Page.
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