“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will
sink a great ship.” Benjamin Franklin
Hello, and thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my out-of-the-box frugal tips and ideas, and sign up for my quarterly Frugal Tool Box newsletter that will contain some very useful information to stretch those household dollars that you may not have encountered before.
The intent of this frugal blog is to demonstrate applied frugality by covering a cornucopia of budget stretching tools. I view frugality as a lifestyle that I love, and have embraced for many years. It is a lot of material, so please bookmark for future reference. This is my frugal story in keeping with an out-of-the-box e-book style blog format.
Please check out my review on Thrive Market (PART VI - Older Posts) and or my post in the Beauty Section (PART V - Newer Posts) entitled "Do You Smell Good or The Scent?" that many of my friends find unique and interesting. Anyway, enjoy the thrill of the hunt for frugal ideas and tips that interest you. There is no one size fit all.
It is my opinion and is shared by many, that being frugal is not the same as deprivation. I view frugality as being informed, resourceful, and spending smart. So without further ado enjoy.
Like utilities, housing, and food, in today's world, prescription medications are constantly costing more.
This blog will start off with saving money on prescriptions, which is a huge expenditure for a lot of people.
With that being said there are still a few ways in which you can realize some awesome savings. First and foremost I'm a big believer in getting the right insurance for your specific needs. A policy that is a good fit for your neighbor may or may not be a good fit for you.
Secondly, I like the prescriptions discount medication cards. With the InCareRx card you are able to receive up to 90% savings on approved prescription medications.
Also, the InCareRx is one of the highest discounts in the industry, and is HIPAA compliant. Print out a FREE InCareRx Discount Prescriptions Card today.
Prescription Drugs Can Strain Your Household Budget.
Are You Or Someone You Know Paying Full Price, Out Of Pocket, For A Prescription Medication?
I admit, sometimes there is no way around paying full price. However, when I have a prescription to fill I check to see if a discount is available.
If this is of interest to you click below to receive awesome savings on your prescriptions. Also, let me mention here that you don't have to be without medical insurance to put this tool to work for you.
For example, sometimes your prescription drug plan may not cover a certain medication. In this case you would pay full price not having a drug benefit.
In another case you may be in the donut hole, and again no drug benefit to help offset you cost.
The InCareRx Discount Card is absolutely FREE and ACTIVE right now! One card covers your ENTIRE family (including pets), and can be duplicated to share with friends.
This card can be used at pharmacies nationwide (CVS, Walmart, Target, Kroger and especially Big Box Stores, for example like a Costco).
If interested, Print Out FREE Discount Card and present to pharmacy.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE: InCareRx FREE Discount Prescription Savings Card & Save Up To 90% On Prescriptions.
This is the only discount prescription savings card, to my knowledge, that is HIPAA Compliant which means your information is private and we don't sell your information.
You Know That You Can Save Money On Your Prescription Medications, Whether
Insured Or Not?
Truckers make the world go around. Where would we be as a society without truckers? Truckers are hard working, some even independent, all making nice incomes.
You probably wouldn't think that truckers could qualify for a free Rx card, however they do. In fact most everyone will qualify whether they have medical insurance or not.
With the price of gas being what it is, in addition to other expenditures your prescription medications can on occasions take a back seat. Without your prescription medications minor illness can sometimes become major.
Helpful Tips On How To Use The FREE InCareRx Discount Card.
The InCareRx discount prescriptions card is to be used as a standalone, and not on top, but in combination with a drug benefit.
Say for instance, you have medical insurance with a drug benefit, but your insurance does not cover that one medication.
Well, you can utilize the InCareRx card for that one med, but not for the medications that are covered under your plan.
Sometimes there is no generic version, or your doctor may want you to try a brand name. If at all possible, you would not want to come out of pocket 100%. Of course, it's no guarantee, but check to see if a discount is provided using your InCareRx card.
If you are paying out of pocket with no drug benefit you can use the card. If you have Medicare Part D you can use the card if you haven't satisfied a deductible, or in the donut hole with no drug benefit.
You cannot use both a drug benefit and the InCareRx card.
Covering Medicare Part D Donut Hole Coverage Gap.
Part D coverage your
Medicare drug benefit plan. It is my understanding that, contrary to popular
belief, not all medicare part D plans have the same retail price.
So it is
possible for someone who is taking the exact same medications that you are
taking that have not reached the donut hole, and you have.
This is a possibility because they are enrolled in a different medicare
part D plan with lower retail prices for those specific medications. Shop a
medicare part D plan specific to your needs. There is no one size fit all.
All of this may somewhat sound confusing, but in essence all you are doing is
putting together your plate from food laid out on a buffet table. Some foods
will be a good fit you and some not.
A good thing to know also is not everyone will experience being in the donut
hole. It's not a given, but just a matter of understanding the coverage to
choose a good fit to lessen your risk of getting into a hole, or coverage gap.
Also, remember part D is optional and not for everyone.
However, please note that if you do not initially sign up for Part D, there is
a penalty issue. You might not require a lot of prescription medications today,
but who know about tomorrow?
There is a risk if you do not initially sign up for Part D. So you must decide
if part D is for you. And if so, which part D provider is a good fit.
Basically, there are 4 parts to your medicare benefits. Part A and B is
original medicare, and will not help cover your prescription drug cost unless
you add on part D which entails an extra premium.
You can have medicare part A and B and elect to add on a Medigap policy, which
entails an extra premium for the 20% hole in coverage under your original
medicare part A and B.
Now your part C is your advantage plan. Your advantage plan replaces your
original medicare plan part A and B. Instead of part A for inpatient, part B
for doctor services, and part D for drug benefit, an advantage plan, depending
upon the advantage plan you choose can contain all 3.
An advantage plan operates kind of like an HMO and can encompass some type of
drug benefit. There are many advantage plans, and there are differences. Start
early and give yourself time to shop around.
Make sure to the best of your ability, that whatever plan you choose is budget
friendly to hopefully prevent an unnecessary strain on your finances, but at
the same time you want the best plan, in my opinion, that you can afford.
if you have limited funds to pay premiums, you might qualify under special
programs for assistance.
Too many people don't understand the value of having a Medigap policy until
it's too late. It is my opinion, of course, but happens to be shared by many
that just having parts A and B (original Medicare), is incomplete coverage.
Your Medigap policy is a hard working tool that helps protect your
assets. Knowing that you have a gap in original Medicare, why not exercise a
tool to help lessen your risk?
Your Medigap policy is provided initially without any health questions, and should
if at all possible not be allowed to lapse for nonpayment of premiums. If this
happens you might be then subject to qualifying health questions if you seek
With all this being said your Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance), is not
completely comprehensive, which means that a Medigap doesn't cover all gaps in
Medicare, for example dental, however still in my view your Medigap is a hard
working frugal tool that is worth it's weight in gold.
A Medigap policy is designed to only supplement original medicare and will not
be part of an Advantage plan. If you have a Part C Advantage plan it is illegal
to be sold a Medigap policy.
It's important also, I think, to note that for example, you tried the Part C
Advantage plan, and for whatever reason would like to switch back to original
medicare with a Medigap to supplement your original medicare. If possible, be
sure to get what is called a trial right.
Without a trial right you may not be able to get your old Medigap policy back.
In some cases you may not be able to purchase any Medigap policy without a
trial right. Tread with care.

How To Help Pay For Rx Medications Your Insurance Plan Doesn't Cover.
If you are in a coverage gap or in the process of needing a deductible amount, why not consider using a discount prescription drug card? That way you are not 100% exposed.
This card is not insurance, and works similar to a coupon. Even if you have insurance you may have a prescription drug that your insurance will not cover.
You can realize up to 90% savings on some medications. The card will also cover some prescription pet medications. Print out and present to pharmacy. The card is free, and absolutely no qualifying.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE: InCareRx FREE Discount Prescription Savings Card & Save Up To 90% On Prescriptions.
A discount prescriptions savings card can be a great option to be used as a backup to Medicare Part D, or serve as your sole Rx help to keep you from being without your meds.
"Today, nearly 40 percent of a senior's healthcare is on pharmaceutical medications." Dennis Hastert
Save A Bundle With Pet Insurance
various insurances is almost commonplace in today's world. We protect ourselves
with car insurance, health insurance, homeowners insurance, and the like.
something happens you want to be able to have the peace of mind knowing that
help is there for you. But if a pet emergency strikes, how prepared are you?
pet insurance gives you a little more freedom to choose treatments versus
authorizing what you can afford. Check them out for yourself today.
These precious animals deserve a treat!
I am a firm believer that you cannot spoil a pet. Bark Box is a monthly subscription of dog toys, chews, and treats.
They, like people, enjoy the special attention, and over time they even recognize the box. Check Bark Box out today.
"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to."
Alfred A. Montapert
Are you looking for great value and savings on prescriptions, food, toys, treats, clothing, beds, collars, gear, crates, and a lot more for your small pets? Check out one of my favorites above and below, plus get repeat autoship orders.
The Frugal Cook
II - The Frugal Cook: Eating Cheap Versus Buying Cheap Are Not Synonymous.
"You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients."
Julia Child
My I Present My Article Reprinted
from GoArticles:
Being Frugal Is Also Eating The Best Quality Food You Can Get Your Hands On by J. McKnight in Health/Nutrition (submitted 2013-02-19)
In numerous cases, quality has little to do with cheap, or inexpensive. Kale is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to taste, nutrition, and cheap, cheap, cheap.
Also, you will be in my opinion hard pressed to come up with a contender that could outshine the taste, and nutrition of dried beans.
What society puts a value on may or may not be congruent with its inherent value. When you pay for those high priced processed food items, in too many cases you are paying for advertising and packaging. You may or may not be receiving the quality that you paid for.
A case in point is that dandelion greens is absolutely a miracle food and is often viewed basically as a weed. Parsley is a fantastic highly nutritious green that is basically viewed as decoration.
What about a sprig of parsley thrown into a smoothie for some extra nutrition? Perhaps a sprig or two of cheap parsley thrown into a homemade soup would be nice. The choices are limitless.
Don't have money for breakfast? What about a 13 cent banana? It surely beats having nothing and is loaded with good nutrition. You would be hard pressed to beat the benefits of a simple banana breakfast. Even a lot of sugar-laden cereals couldn't match it.
Another way to prepare inexpensive nutritious meals is to implement whole grains. You can purchase whole grain oats in the bin for extra savings if you choose, or buy boxed on the shelf. I buy my whole grains in the bins now and I absolutely love the quality so far.
I eat whole grain oatmeal five days a week with a fruit. You don't need much; whole grains fill you up. I sweeten my oatmeal with local honey. The whole grains will take longer to cook so plan for extra cooking time.
With all this being said, there are cases where quality has everything to do with price. This is where using a grocery coupon can be a budget stretcher in offsetting that price. A grocery coupon can afford you to be able to buy the better brands at huge discounts.
I use to think food couponing was a waste of time. However, like many others, I discovered that like any other skill couponing has fundamentals that must be learned in order to food coupon successfully. Hypothetically what extras would you purchase with that 25% savings realized by implementing grocery couponing?
For a large breakfast crowd, I have had fantastic success slow cooking whole grain oatmeal in a crock pot. Break out of that box. You can eat oatmeal for dinner too.
It is certainly a bargain when compared with other options that are not nutritional heavyweights like oatmeal.
So with some knowledge and a little planning, it is very possible, even in today's world to eat well. When you are eating cheap you must be careful and be mindful that buying cheap is the way to go.
Eating cheap can deprive the body of needed nutrients for optimum health. Eating cheap and buying cheap are not synonymous.
*** Please note this article cannot be published without full author's details.
About the Author: J. McKnight is a Home Economist and an advocate for consumer awareness. To learn more about frugality see http://www.frugaltoolbox.blogspot.com.
Invest In Nutritious Frugal Foods That Support Good Health.
"You don't need a silver fork to eat good food." Paul Prudhomme
PART III - The Thrift Shopper
To Thrift Or Not To Thrift - That Is The Question.
Thrift Shopping May Or May Not Be For You. I Always Say To Do What You Love. So, If Thrifting Is For You, Or If You Are Undecided Read On.
There Is No
Sale Like a Resale!
If you are lucky enough to catch the resale fever it is my firm belief that you will be able to save thousands, and perhaps even upgrading your wardrobe.
I love to thrift shop. However let me say right off that thrift shopping isn't for everyone. You have to be willing to put in the work to become a good thrift shopper.
Thrift shopping is a skill that takes some time to learn. There are, in my opinion, several basic skills that must be learned to increase your chances of success. My definition of success is to look fabulous in your thrift store finds.
If you are really interested in thrift store shopping, stay with it. You were not born knowing. We all had to learn. Those of us who are good, had only an interest and a love for living frugal. It's therapy in a way.
There is no shopping like thrift shopping. If you think thrift shopping is for you, take that first step and give it a try. You might discover a new love.
One of the major skills you have to master is to learn how to hunt. It takes a lot of patience, but can prove to be well worth it. Also, it's a good idea to know about labels.
Some thrift shopping pros can tell you what stores, especially your high-end stores that carry a certain brand. When you know your labels you are in a better position to know when you are getting a good deal or not.
Don't make the assumption that everything in a thrift store is a bargain. I've actually seen thrift store items priced higher than regular retail. It's also nice to know something about garment construction.
The way a garment is finished will speak volumes about the quality. For example, the hem of a higher end garment will have more of a finished look than a garment that is not.
You have to look over every inch of a garment. For example, I recently spotted a suit that looked absolutely gorgeous. However, after careful inspection, I discovered that the top was my size, but the bottom was 2 sizes too small.
A lot of thrift stores in my area have a no return policy so you really have to be careful. These types of observations done repeatedly will become habit. The thrill of the hunt, in and of itself is a lot of fun.
For example, I jumped for joy when I was able to acquire a beautiful $49.00 jacket with the tags still on for 25¢. Yes you heard me right 25¢. However, this in not regular thrifting, but hard core thrifting, which as the words state hard core.
I hard core thrift almost exclusively when thrifting for clothes. What's not to love? Well a whole lot, but you learn how to work around the undesirables.
The icing on the cake is that a whole lot of money can be saved by shopping frugal. This is one of my most valuable tools in my toolbox for stretching a dollar. There is no sale like a resale.
Thrift Risk -- How to Avoid Bedbugs When Shopping Secondhand.
Let's face it bed bugs are everywhere. And yes, there is risk whether you shop thrift or regular retail. Risk exist. For instance, an employee could have bedbugs at home, but coming to work continues because bills have to be paid.
However, the focus of this post will be on thrifting. It seems that in today's world it's a big probability that you will experience them. So it makes perfect sense to me to educate yourself on how to lessen your risk.
To start off I no longer take my thrift purchases directly into my living space from thrift stores and yard sales. In fact, I give all of my purchases a good look-over before I bring them into my living space. No, I will not stop thrift shopping. I will not allow those pesky little bugs to control my life. However, I don't advocate throwing caution into the wind either.
With good results so far, I transfer my thrift store purchases into a heavy duty trash bag and close all openings including the top opening well. I then set the bag outside or in my vehicle in 90 degrees plus direct sun for 3-4 hours. I do this prior to washing or dry cleaning. A friend of mine uses extreme cold this exact same way with excellent results.
This method may not be for you. However, I strongly suggest that you do something to deter bed bugs if you are to lessen your risk of getting a bed bug infestation that can last for months.
The Re-Emergence of Bed Bugs.
I think it's important to address bed bugs. So much information exist about what to do after you get them and very little information provided on the proactive front. Well, first of all in today's world with the re-emergence of bed bugs, I would be proactive in protecting my home as best I can from getting a bed bug infestation which is expensive and can last for months.
Bed bugs are everywhere and anywhere. However, taking a few precautions could lessen your risk. The days are long gone when, in my opinion, you can throw your thrift finds as well as new purchases directly on the bed.
I also would not unpack my luggage from a trip on my bed. Nor would I bring in a mattress into my home off the curb, unless I knew what I was doing. And even though you can find them in any part of the house, they don't call them bed bugs for nothing.
Last but not least, I would no longer throw coats on my bed while entertaining, which was a common practice back in the day. All of these behaviors are now considered high-risk behaviors and could expose your home to a bed bug infestation.
I'm just touching the surface here, but I am a believer of just doing some of these could lessen the probability of having to deal with a very stressful and expensive infestation. Also, since it's easy and inexpensive to do, I would consider protecting my mattress which is an investment that can be costly if I had to replace one.
Bed bug mattress and box spring covers are specialty products and not simply a mattress pad or cover.
A cousin in the pest control industry told me that a good quality bed bug encasement for mattress and box spring should protect against a bed bug infestation involving the mattress, by keeping them outside and preventing entry into one of their favorite hiding and feeding places, the bed.
On the other hand, the bed bugs that are trapped inside the encasement will be unable to exit and will eventually die. This translates to you not necessarily having to throw out your mattress and box springs.
I am a firm believer that detecting early versus late can mean the difference between having to spend thousands of dollars for professional intervention versus possibly using an inexpensive and effective D.I.Y. For more information see link above.
Thrift Shopping Hoopla?
Have you ever wondered what all the hoopla is about concerning thrift shopping? In three words it makes cents. A case in point is when my child was little, and I was in the market for another coat, I thought about checking out a thrift store to browse.
To my surprise, I came upon a very dirty cute little coat for $1.00. You heard me right $1.00. This coat if new would probably retail for about $200.00. I know my labels. A lot of high-end merchandise pass through thrift stores.
You had to have the vision to see this diamond in the rough. After careful inspection and I do mean careful, because most sales are final, I saw that the coat was in excellent condition having next to no wear. I also noted that it had a good label and would probably take a good washing well.
So I decided to take a chance and purchase the coat. After only one wash the coat came out great. I always use a colorfast detergent to preserve the color. Let me say that it’s been my experience that thrift stores do not sell dirty items from wear. However, this coat appeared to have gotten dirty after falling from the rack and walked on.
It’s been my experience that a lot of thrift stores will mark these items down for a quick sale versus throwing them in the trash. Thrift stores appear to hate waste almost as much as I do. I guess they figure some amount is better than nothing. And I agree 100%.
I am not above purchasing dirty floor walked on items. I’m sorry, I’m just not. I am however above trying on any dirty items, and will eyeball whether the garment will fit or not. I figure that if it doesn’t fit the material could be added to my quilt pile if nothing else.
Or perhaps some other child in need of a coat could benefit after it’s been washed of course. So far as I’m concerned this was a good buy. If you made three good buys per year you could realize $300.00 or more in savings. Now that, in my opinion, is worth some hoopla.
"The dictionary defines frugal as 'thrift'. And, thrift is defined as 'economy; careful management; providence'. Whether you call it thrifty or frugality it all comes down to getting more for your money." B. Pulsifer
My How To Tips I Use When Thrifting For A Designer Bag.
7 Ways to Assess a Thrift Purse Buy by FrugalToolBox.blogspot.com
for purses is one of my favorite past times. I am a vintage girl. Finding
a vintage purse in almost new condition is always my goal. The tips provided
below has been developed over a number of years. Of course, I'm always
becoming, and never arriving at knowing enough on how to thrift for that
special deal.
#1. The
first thing I do is to be on the lookout for designer purses. I do however buy
awesome quality non-designer purses too. Whatever catches my eye is of interest
and foremost for me as a purse thrifter. Training the eye is a good skill to
develop as a thrifter. To be able to spot a gem at a distance without even
knowing the brand is, in my opinion, worth it's weight in gold.
If you are not looking for a specific brand just get yourself a general
education on a few brands starting out and then broaden your knowledge going
forward. As a frugal consumer you want to know when a deal is a deal.
You do
have to know for yourself and not depend upon the thrift store. From time to
time they will make a mistake and have a fake purse locked up while the real
deal is hanging on the rack. This means that a fake purse sold as a designer is
going to cost you more than it’s worth. So keep your antenna up.
#2. Because
a thrift purse has an odor may not be a deal breaker. There are many ways a
purse odor problem can be addressed. A simple way is to use charcoal briquettes
for 2 weeks or so to absorb the odors. These beauties are often heavily
discounted to help offset your risk.
#3. Know
beforehand about your quirks when it comes to purses. For example, I am a
shoulder strap girl. I love outside pockets, at least one minimum, and lots of
storage compartments. A good deal ignoring your quirks can turn into a bad buy
within minutes (especially if there is no return policy) if you ignore your
must haves when purchasing a handbag.
#4. Play
close attention to the condition. Does the purse have a lot of wear? I will buy
a purse with some wear because all new will become old so why not? If it’s
oldish but still looking good I’m interested. Of course, too, you want make
sure all the zippers work, any stains you don’t want to deal with, the straps
in good condition etc.
#5. Don’t
buy solely the name. It’s safer to recognize the quality of a designer purse so
when it’s looked over and thoroughly accessed you can confidently say yes this
is a designer whether the name is familiar to you or not.
This way
you will increase your inventory of designer bags, by not focusing only on
brands that are familiar to you, and as a result leaving some top unfamiliar
brands on the table. This is a skill worth striving to obtain.
#6. Make
sure a purse is up for the job intended. Is this an everyday purse where you
pack a lot of stuff, or a special occasion purse that will be used very seldom?
This will, for me, affect the price I will pay even though the higher brand
with the higher price will be used sparingly.
because I want to protect my investment. I don’t use certain brands for my
daily workhorses. In a word often they will not take the pressure resulting in
straps breaking etc. To increase longevity I preplan function.
#7. Come prepared to work. Be well rested etc. Come early.
Come early. Come early. Be there before the door opens for the best deals.
After only 20 minutes after a thrift store opens the best designer bags can be
gone. The high quality designer bags will go fast. You have to acquire before
you can access.

A Frugal Way To Prepare For A New Baby.

Newborns can be expensive without doing careful planning. There is a lot of good quality gear for newborns at thrift stores, garage sales, and resale shops.
An idea one of my friends had was to purchase a container to be used to stockpile her baby thrift store finds. Once the due date gets close the items are taken out and washed.
This saves time, energy, and yes money. It's so much stuff out there you have to be careful not to over buy.
If you are having a baby shower you are in a better position to tell friends what you want.
Some things you might want to purchase new. Shopping frugal, is the way to go, in my opinion. Babies outgrow their clothing extremely fast.
Awesome baby gifts at good prices at Way Up Gifts.

Who Knew? ThredUp: A Thrift and Online
Consignment Store That Rocks!
Babies outgrow their clothes super
fast. ThredUp is a consignment store where you could find some nice labels that
are on consignment, including maternity wear. Check them out for yourself.
I have been a fan of ThredUP for many years and appreciate their online availability where you can consign as well as shop.
Don't Forget Recalls
Keeping up with consumer recalls is especially important to the frugal shopper. A lot of times you find good deals on toys and furniture, but do not get the opportunity to fill out a product registration card.
It's a good idea to be proactive and stay up to date on all recalls by signing up for alerts, and doing whatever else out there that can keep you abreast. One agency you can sign up with is http://www.recalls.gov.
There has been a lot of media attention about infant cribs. Be sure and do your homework prior to purchasing your crib. Do not just buy looks, buy safety too.
Shop New Too!
Click Here To Check Out Zulily!
As nice as thrift shopping is, sometimes we may want to shop new, especially for gifts. Well, there are options other than shopping at a brick and mortar store. One of those options is an online retailer called Zulily that specializes in products for kids, moms, and the home. They are headquartered in Seattle Washington.
Click On Image Above To Save Up To 70% Off Daily Deals
PART IV - Make Money Thrift Flipping.

The skill of thrifting can be an awesome tool in your frugal tool box. Not only can you save money, but make money too. The retail therapy is awesome, but if you are not careful thrifting can become an addition that can sneak up upon you. The result is you can stress your storage space, and or have to donate or possibly resale a few items to generate some extra income.
As you probably already know, eBay is a well known vendor for resellers. There is a learning curve, especially for selling clothes. You could also consider reselling on consignment. This seems simple enough, but also you have to know a little something about consigning. Click Here for additional tips in evaluation of items to resale.
You might even entertain a garage sale or two. However, be aware that some neighborhood will restrict the number of garage sales that can be conducted annually per household. Renting a table at a flea market can also be an option. The possibilities are endless.
It might be a good idea to visit a few yard sales or flea markets to pick up a few tips. Most people that I know that do this business full time successfully learned it through somebody. This is a full and part time business for a lot of people. They purposely buy to generate inventory, and resell for a profit.
You probably will be taking mostly cash, but
might need something to take an occasional credit card. There is now a payment
device called Pay
Anywhere that allows you to turn your Smartphone or Tablet into a credit
card reader.
Some customers do not carry cash, and a pay-as-you-go mobile
credit card processing system can come in handy. People often will buy more
when you are able to accept credit cards.
With New Technology, You Can Use A Mobile Processing Service To Accept Credit Card Payments On-The-Go Using Your Tablet Or Smartphone.
You may already have a pay-as-you-go system that you are not completely satisfied with, and seeking something else. Pay Anywhere could be your answer. It is my opinion that it is a good idea anyway to have a backup.
Someone I know opened up a dedicated savings account to be used with her new Pay Anywhere earnings to purchase a better vehicle. The versatility is awesome.
Pay Anywhere can be used with different types of businesses such as garage sales, food trucks, nail shops, lawn care, flea markets just to name a few. The customer can even sign the receipt on your smartphone and receive a receipt via email, or you can use an optional mobile printer from your smartphone.
Pay Anywhere is even compatible with Apple, Android, and Blackberry devices. I think Pay Anywhere is a smart little tool.
Accepting Credit Cards - The New Normal vs Cash.
Again, you
can now turn your smartphone or yes even your tablet into a mobile merchant
account to accept credit cards with no additional equipment to buy. If
you don’t do a lot of volume, maybe an occasional garage sale.
Click on Pay-As-You-Go Option link for more information and to get started with no monthly fee
incurred, only a low competitive rate per transaction. Click on Pay-As-You-Go
Option to sign up or for more information.
OR –
Of course,
if you have a lot of volume for instance a nail shop, food truck, or perhaps a
lawn maintenance service, you might order our very popular Custom Option for a
very competitive monthly fee, and a lower competitive rate per
on Custom Option to
sign up or for more information. This product is backed by North American
Bancard with an A+ BBB Rating.
It Is Possible To Earn An Extraordinary Amount Of Money Thrift Store Flipping.
I have been thrifting for a while now, and enjoy thrifting immensely. I now, almost exclusively, enjoy hard core thrifting where the discounts are huge. These 3 beautiful scarfs above and the hand-made piece below cost less than $1 total.
Want Some Extra Cash?
How To Accept Credit Cards At Your Next Garage Sale!
Got Pay Anywhere?
In summary, I have been affiliated with Pay Anywhere a long time, and I love the fact that:
1. The Standard Pay Anywhere credit card reader is free. You can swipe credit cards and read the EMV chip.
2. The money from credit card sales goes directly into my personal bank account within 1 to 2 business days, unlike some other pay-as-you-go systems.
3. The only pay-as-you-go system, to my knowledge, that has 24/7 live customer support, versus basically being on your own.
It could be a good idea in today's world to have more than one payment option.
Sign Up Today For Your Free Pay Anywhere Credit Card Reader.
When someone is ready to buy, being ready and able to sell is a good idea. It is my opinion, that it is better to have it and don't need it than to need it and don't have it. Sign up is easy.

Do You
Smell Good
Do you smell good or is it the scent? How often do you hear someone compliment you on your scent, case in point, you smell good or I love Chanel too. It’s similar, but not exactly the same animal. Pay attention.
A scent chooses you. I now actually use an essential oil for my everyday scent. And of course, my Chanel is still me. However, for me my essential oil gives my Chanel some serious competition. I chose Chanel, but perhaps Chanel doesn’t choose me.
The comments to date, was all about the perfume, which is a familiar scent that is recognized by many. And yes, Chanel is without a doubt awesome. However, my intent when purchasing Chanel is to enhance my natural scent, but so far a no.
Whereas, when I wear my essential oil fragrance the comments rock in my direction, you smell so good. What fragrance is that? Yes!
So a scent either works for you or leaves you in the dust. It’s the same thing for a particular hairstyle, attire, makeup or whatever. A style, scent, new blouse chooses you; even a new skin care regimen.
Some products work wonders for some and do absolutely nothing for others. When a friend of mine wears Chanel, the comments are all about how she smells, so good with the emphasis on she!
Could our noses exist for reasons other than the obvious? No one has your exact unique raw scent which is as unique to you as your fingerprints. A thousand women can smell like whatever fragrance, but only you will have your unique raw scent.
According to popular belief, your natural scent my even play a role in attracting people into our lives that are a good fit for us whether romantic or otherwise. As mammals, we all sniff fortunately not like a monkey, or a dog, but we do sniff in more appropriate human ways. The thing is the scent we humans smell, is seldom our raw scent.
Unfortunately, our natural scent is so camouflaged that a desirable match or friendship for us could possibly be thrown off course, while a green light is displayed for someone who is completely wrong for us, because our true scent was unable to be properly accessed.
I know this sounds crazy, but this scent thing could have merit. Have you noticed that, or is it just a coincidence that, the more body washes, perfumed soaps, and colognes we have on the market the higher the divorce rate?
Could a simple thing like raw scent be a factor? We could possibly be thrown completely off course or even pass up an awesome potential partner because he or she is camouflaged in a scent that is not unique to them.
So just being clean and unscented every once in a while could possibly be a game changer. The role that scent plays in our lives could be much bigger than we think.

Got A Beauty Box Subscription Anyone?
"The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you." Coco Chanel
a beauty box known as a beauty sampling service is a wonderful gift to you. This
is an awesome way to make us feel special. You get a chance to sample products
in the marketplace that are a good fit for you.
Just receiving a gift in the
mail every month is a gift all by itself. I have a few I have tried and gifted
to others with awesome results. There is no one box that will fit all, so
You might be interested in prestigious top brand perfumes and cosmetics from Sephoria which was founded in France.
If you want some of the world's best professional grade skin care, SkinCareRx can provide some of the highest spa-quality skin care for home use.
You can't find the fragrances you are looking for, Perfumania is America's largest fragrance retailer for genuine designer fragrances, skin care products, bath and body products, and cosmetics.
If you are like me, you like to have a variety of perfume scents depending upon the occasion or even the mood you are in, with Scent Bird you can have a variety package of your choice send directly to your door each month, for a small fee each month.
Presentation Rocks!
As the 2019 new year rolls in, we in a few days will reach another Valentine Holiday. I love Valentine since I was a child, passing out Valentine cards to my classmates.
However, my hope now is for us to celebrate Valentine's Day any day. We do not have to wait for that one special day. Another thing I'd like to address is presentation.
Presentation matters as you well know, when we had to turn in our research papers, when we were in school. Also, our food that we have prepared can be so tasty, but without the proper presentation the taste can become secondary when the dish is on point. It does not always have to be 100%, but some presentation efforts, in my opinion, are in order.
As a single woman, I slept in lingerie by myself in my own place. I liked lingerie because I discovered that it made me feel wonderful. If you feel good, you are at least 50% the way of looking good.
Sometimes it can be something simple like have clean underwear. You might laugh, but a woman friend I know told me that she asked her husband on Valentine's Day to name one thing that he loved, and appreciated about her. His reply was that he liked and very much appreciated the way she kept her body clean, and her undies presentable.
He then went on to say that cleanliness had been so hard to find in the dating world. What! We laughed about this that evening, and many years thereafter.
Could this be true? I would say yes, because I heard this, and things similar from men friends too. My woman friend was expecting her husband to say that he loved her new doo, or he likes the way she throws down in the kitchen, just anything but having good hygiene, and no holes in her underwear.
Adore Me sells women's intimate wear from petite to plus sizes. Their unique designer collections includes activewear, swimwear, sleepwear, and yes lingerie.
Maintain Beauty on Any Budget.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Makes an
Awesome DIY Moisturizer.
I am of the opinion that
whether you entertain commercial or natural products quality matters. I
entertain, and enjoy both worlds.
I would like to mention also that maintaining beauty has a great
deal with not only what you put on the outside, but also eating the
right foods too can impact significantly on how you age.
I am in
love with DIY products, but also incorporate conventional products as well. I
first and foremost am an advocate of eating a healthy diet that supports
healthy skin.
We all know that skin is the
largest organ of the body and is first line of defense in protecting us from
pathogens that compromise our health. With that being said it is important
to keep the skin healthy and intact.
We want to keep our skin
moisturized whether using a DIY or a conventional product. Also everything I do
for my face, I do for my neck area, and yes hands. I happen to love using
extra virgin olive oil as my top go to for a very good and cost effective
moisturizer. Very little does the job for me.
Castor oil too is a great
moisturizer for some. Shea butter is absolutely wonderful, and my friend fresh
aloe is good too. Just whatever I have on hand usually will do the job.
However, I do tend to lean more
towards extra virgin olive oil, because it doubles as a makeup remover for me.
I never knew for years that you can use oil to remove makeup. I do seek
opportunities that enable me to reduce my exposure to chemicals.
My extra virgin olive oil removes
the foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner all in one simple step. I may do a repeat
if my makeup was applied heavy. In addition, as a third step I rub a small
amount of the oil onto my lids just like I would use a makeup remover.
I am not advocating to anyone to
use this. I am just saying it works well for me, as well as so many others. If
you are one that is more comfortable using a conventional product, by all means
do so.
I then use witch hazel astringent
which works as a toner that helps to keep my dark under eye circles at bay. I
get good quality witch hazel that you can purchase at a natural food store. A
quality brand I have found makes a tremendous difference.
I know many say generic is the
same as brand, and yes it could be but for me, my experience not always. After
cleansing I moisturize with almond oil in the summer months when my skin tends
to be oily in spots. I use extra virgin olive oil in the winter when my skin is
somewhat dry.
Natural Face Powder
I do a
DIY face powder that I love. It took a few tries, but I finally got it right. I
hopefully will do a video on how I put it together. I love lipstick and have
discovered an awesome matte lipstick called Wild One a matte
lipstick, is a huge seller at Thrive Market online with awesome reviews. Let me mention here
that Thrive Market is an online membership shopping club that offers an initial
trial membership.
"Moisturizing every night is important. When you're 50 or 60, it's going to show if you don't take care of it. You have to prepare when you're young so you still have that healthy, glowing skin when you're 60 or 70."
Halima Aden
is the best stuff since vegan okra gumbo. Words cannot describe how wonderful this
lipstick is. I do make a few tubes of lip gloss every once in a while, but
always on the lookout for quality commercial products too.
try to take good care of my lips by keeping myself hydrated. Personally my lips
will crack when I am dehydrated, so I try to stay on top of my lip care
regimen. My lipstick application is so much easier when I do.
My One Ingredient DIY At Home Facial.
I love facials bottom line. I have however never in my life had a professional facial. This is something I want to experience some day. In the meantime, a friend told me about a facial she found online a while back. She can't remember the source the source but passed it on to me anyway.
Get ready to experience my DIY facial which is Organic Greek Yogurt. I apply it like any facial, and leave it on for about 25 - 30 minutes, rinse with warm water followed by cold to close my pores. I love it, I love it, I so love it!
A beauty workhorse, and so frugal friendly. A must in my frugal toolbox. I saw a difference with my first use. As I already said, I have never experienced a professional facial, but I can't imagine anything better than my new DIY facial done at home! A DIY can rock!
My DIY Shea Butter Body Lotion
I absolutely love this lotion, especially in the fall and winter months when my skin tends to be drier, and appreciates a thicker lotion.
Shea butter is a fatty substance that is a skin super food obtained from the nuts of the shea tree. I do like my lotion on the thicker side for a luxurious feel.
I place approximately 2 cups of organic shea butter into a bowl alone with 11 drops of jasmine essential oil, because I like the scent of jasmine. I then add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
I place these 3 ingredients in a double boiler that I purchased from a thrift store to be used exclusively for my DIY skin preparations.
Once the ingredients have liquified I give it a gentle stir to mix it well. When it cools down, but is still somewhat liquidity, I place in my squeeze bottle until ready for use. But actually a recycled wide mouth lotion bottle will do.
What I Did For My Thinning Hair
"Taking care of myself doesn't mean 'me first.' It means 'me, too.'" L. R. Knost
PART VI - The Frugal Student
Refinance Your Student Loan
If you are looking to refinance your student loan, why not consider Credible? Credible is an market place for different types of loans, from the student loan refinance to credit card consolidation. Credible can help you by letting them compare loan offers from different lenders at no cost to you.
It is my understanding that consumers can compare loan rates without affecting their credit sore, which is a big plus in my opinion, however please verify.
It is also my understanding that you can not be a student. I read somewhere that Credible states that some of their partner lenders, that for whatever reason, do not allow you to refinance student loans while still enrolled.
I'm a firm believer that student loan debt is good debt, but can quickly change to bad debt if left unmanaged. I would also like to state too, that refinancing student loan debt is only one way among others.
Refinancing your student loan debt, like for example a mortgage could mean that you pay less and pay it off sooner. Bottom line is the service is free to try and money saved could be put toward retirement income or a down payment for a home.
Taking Care Of Your Teeth And Mouth
A Good Quality Toothbrush Can
Be A Gigantic Budget Stretcher
I buy in
bulk when I can; it saves money. I like aluminum-free. I brush twice a
day. I try to remember to brush at night, especially when I have had a
sweet treat.
I floss
too, once a day, cleaning between teeth matters too. Every surface area of a
tooth demands attention. Proper cleaning is a big part of maintaining healthy
teeth, and proper nutrition is also a big part of it.
I have allergies to some foods that have a high content of vitamin C. I
discovered in my research that Vitamin C is critical in maintaining gum health.
My dentist recommended I supplement vitamin C.
My baking soda over time has kept my teeth nice and white. Baking soda
tends to whiten somewhat slowly, but in my opinion, is a good economical tool
to whiten stained teeth. I have been using baking soda for years with
excellent results.
Today, I usually ace my dental checkups. But it hasn't always been that way. I use to have some serious dental problems where my teeth were moving around in the sockets.
Someone recommended to me to start gargling with sea salt which helped tremendously. I have had some extractions and loss a precious tooth in the front.
I have had some expensive dental care that I will always respect. I preserve that dental work that took me 18 months to pay off. I decided to spend some time on my teeth, and clean them properly.
Teeth work very hard for us, and deserve our utmost attention in keeping them healthy, and intact. It's been my experience that dental insurance very seldom pay the entire bill.
I had a great deal to pay for out of pocket over and above what the insurance covered. Dental work is just so expensive, in my opinion. So it makes cents for me to exercise my frugality working my toothbrush, and flossing daily.
Having A Dental Savings Plan Versus Dental Insurance Could Be A Better Fit For You.
When going in for dental services a dental plan can save you a lot of money. With dental insurance there is usually a waiting period and an annual cap sometimes $1,000 to $1,500 which can be used up pretty quick.
Suze Orman, a personal finance guru have a lot of good things to say about dental savings plans in helping to stretch those budget dollars. It works similar to a coupon. You get a discount, and pay at time of service.
Having a discount plan in my opinion is so much better, in a lot of cases, than having regular dental insurance and surely better than having nothing.

I am of the opinion that you can save yourself a lot of money just by being proactive with your teeth. You probably already know that a toothache demands attention.
A toothache will not wait, and neither should good dental care. Daily cleansing as well as good nutrition will go a long ways in providing you and your family with good dental checkups.
Save On
A Little Known Way
To Save On
Prescription Eyewear.
I Now Buy Prescription Eyewear Online And Save. You may or may not know that you can order prescription eyewear online. This may not be a good option for all, however for some this is a good fit. By law your prescription is yours that can be used to shop around. I happen to be a huge fan of Warby Parker.
They have a try before you buy option that is unique and appreciated by a lot of people. Also, free shipping is provided. Their 85,000+ Twitter followers, in my opinion, is nothing to sneeze at.
Huge savings on prescription eyewear can be had online, an idea that's gaining popularity. I gave it a try myself with great results, saving more than half on my prescription eyewear.
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